3 changed files with 127 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ |
from machine import Pin,ADC |
class Barra16: |
def __init__(self,s0,s1,s2,s3,out): |
self.__s0=Pin(s0,Pin.OUT) |
self.__s1=Pin(s1,Pin.OUT) |
self.__s2=Pin(s2,Pin.OUT) |
self.__s3=Pin(s3,Pin.OUT) |
self.__out=ADC(Pin(out)) |
def __read(self,x): |
bits=bin(x) |
bits=bits.split("b")[1] |
for i in range (len(bits),4): |
bits="0"+bits |
self.__s0.value(bits[3]=='1') |
self.__s1.value(bits[2]=='1') |
self.__s2.value(bits[1]=='1') |
self.__s3.value(bits[0]=='1') |
return self.__out.read_u16() |
def getPos(self): |
pos=0 |
sen=0 |
for x in range(16): |
v=self.__read(x) |
sen+=1 if v>50000 else 0 |
pos+=500*(x+1) if v>50000 else 0 |
return -1 if sen==0 else (pos/sen)-4250 |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
from machine import Pin,PWM |
class Driver: |
def __init__(self, pwma,ain1,ain2,stby,bin2,bin1,pwmb,hz=2000): |
self.__pwma=PWM(Pin(pwma), freq=hz, duty_u16=0) |
self.__ain1 = Pin(ain1, Pin.OUT) |
self.__ain2 = Pin(ain2, Pin.OUT) |
self.__stby = Pin(stby, Pin.OUT) |
self.__bin2 = Pin(bin2, Pin.OUT) |
self.__bin1 = Pin(bin1, Pin.OUT) |
self.__pwmb = PWM(Pin(pwmb), freq=hz, duty_u16=0) |
self.__stby.on()#Enciende el driver |
def setVelocidad(self, motIzq, motDer): |
#Validar que este en el rango |
if(motDer>65535): |
motDer=65535 |
if motIzq>65535 : |
motIzq=65535 |
if(motDer<-65535): |
motDer=-65535 |
if motIzq<-65535 : |
motIzq=-65535 |
if (motIzq >= 0): |
self.__ain1.on() |
| |
else: |
| |
self.__ain2.on() |
motIzq=motIzq*-1 #HACER POSITIVO |
if (motDer >= 0): |
| |
self.__bin2.on() |
else: |
self.__bin1.on() |
| |
motDer=motDer*-1 #HACER POSITIVO |
self.__pwma.duty_u16(int(motIzq)) |
self.__pwmb.duty_u16(int(motDer)) |
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ |
from Barra16 import Barra16 |
from Driver import Driver |
from neopixel import NeoPixel |
from time import sleep |
from machine import Pin |
barra = Barra16(18,19,20,21,27) |
driver = Driver(4,6,5,7,9,8,10,hz=5000) |
neo = NeoPixel(Pin(23,Pin.OUT),1) |
boton = Pin(24,mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) |
start = False |
def interrupcion(pin): |
global start |
start= not start |
boton.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=interrupcion) |
#-----------------------------------PID VARS------------------------------------------ |
kp=4 |
ki=0.000001 |
kd=3 |
P=I=D=0 |
error =0 |
errorAnterior=0 |
vel=10000 |
while True: |
if not start: |
driver.setVelocidad(0,0) |
neo.fill((0,10,0)) |
neo.write() |
sleep(.01) |
else: |
neo.fill((0,0,10)) |
neo.write() |
P=barra.getPos() |
if(P>-100 and P<100): |
I=(I+error) |
else: |
I=0 |
D=P-errorAnterior |
errorAnterior=P |
pid=(kp*P)+(ki*I)+(kd*D) |
driver.setVelocidad(vel-pid,vel+pid) |
Reference in new issue